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### Conditions of Sale

*1. Object of the contract*  

These conditions of sale regulate the sale of goods carried out through the e-commerce site ** by T.H. SERVICE S.R.L., with registered office in Via Nuova Nola 435, Palma Campania (NA), Italy, VAT number 09141021213. The company's main activity concerns the wholesale of medical and orthopedic items. 

*2. Products*  

The products available for purchase include medical and orthopedic devices, healthcare items and clothing for medical and paramedical staff, linens and cleaning materials for hospitals and communities. The products are described in detail in the respective product sheets. 

*3. Prices and Payments*  

Product prices are expressed in euros and include VAT. Accepted payment methods include credit cards, bank transfer and PayPal. Payment must be made at the time of ordering.

*4. Delivery*  

Delivery of the products will be made to the address indicated by the buyer within 7 working days of acceptance of the order. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer and are calculated at the time of purchase.

*5. Right of withdrawal*  

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code), the customer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of delivery of the products, without having to specify the reason. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must send a written communication via PEC to **.

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